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Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy

Fullerton High School (7-12)                            6162.7(a)
Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy     6163.6(a)

Please read this entire policy carefully.

This policy defines the acceptable use of computers and Internet access at the Fullerton School District. This applies to the student receiving a laptop ("Student"), and his/her parents(s) or legal guardian  ("Parent").  The Student and Parent(s), in consideration of being provided with a laptop computer, software, and related materials (the "Computer") for use while a student is at Fullerton School District, hereby agree as follows:

1 Equipment

1.1 Ownership: FPS retains the sole right of possession of the Computer and grants permission to the Student to use the Computer according to the guidelines set forth in this document.  Moreover, Fullerton staff retains the right to collect and/or inspect the Computer at any time, including via electronic remote access; and to alter, add or delete installed software or hardware.
1.2 Equipment Provided: Efforts are made to keep all laptop configurations the same.  All Computers include a DVD/CD-RW, ample RAM and hard-disk space, a protective laptop case, software, and other miscellaneous items.  FPS will retain records of the serial numbers of provided equipment.
1.3 Substitution of Equipment: In the event the Computer is inoperable, FPS has a limited number of spare laptops for use while the Computer is repaired or replaced.  However, it cannot guarantee a loaner will be available at all times.  This agreement remains in effect for such a substitute.  The Student may NOT opt to keep a broken Computer or to avoid using the Computer due to loss or damage.  Please note that if the student forgets to bring the Computer or power adapter to school, a substitute will not be provided.
1.4 Responsibility for Electronic Data: The Student is solely responsible for any non-FPS installed software and for any data stored on the Computer.   It is the sole responsibility of the Student to backup such data as necessary.  FPS provides a means for backup along with directions, but FPS does not accept responsibility for any such software.

2 Damage or Loss of Equipment

2.1 Responsibility for Damage: The Student is responsible for maintaining a 100% working Computer at all times.  The Student shall use reasonable care to ensure that the Computer is not damaged.  Refer to the Standards of Proper Care document for a description of expected care.  Refer to the Fullerton Schools Anytime/Anywhere 2010-11 Computer Loan Agreement for additional insurance and fee information.

FPS reserves the right to charge the Student and Parent the full cost for repair or replacement when damage occurs due to gross negligence as determined by administration.
Examples of gross negligence include, but are not limited to:

  • Leaving equipment unattended and unlocked.  This includes damage or loss resulting from an unattended and unlocked laptop while at school.  (See the Standards for Proper Care document for definitions of "attended," "unattended," and "locked.")
  • Lending equipment to others other than one's parents/guardians.
  • Using the equipment in an unsafe manner.  (See the Standards for Proper Care documents for guidelines of proper use.)

2.2 Responsibility for Loss:  In the event the Computer is lost or stolen, the Student and Parent may be billed the full cost of replacement. Students not participating in Fullerton Schools Anytime/Anywhere are not remove computers from school property.
2.3 Actions Required in the Event of Damage: Report the problem immediately to the LAN Manager, Assistant LAN Manager or Building Principal.  If the Computer is stolen or vandalized while not at FPS or at a FPS sponsored event, the Parent shall file a police report.
2.5 Technical Support and Repair: FPS does not guarantee that the Computer will be operable, but will make technical support, maintenance and repair available.

3 Legal and Ethical Use Policies

3.1 Monitoring: FPS will monitor computer use using a variety of methods - including electronic remote access - to assure compliance with FPS's Legal and Ethical Use Policies.
3.2 Legal and Ethical Use: All aspects of FPS Computer Use Policy remain in effect, except as mentioned int his section.
3.3 File-sharing and File-sharing Programs: File-sharing and File-Sharing Programs:  The installation and/or use of any Internet-based file-sharing tools is explicitly prohibited.  File-sharing programs and protocols like BitTorrent, Limewire, Kazaa, Acquisition and others may not be used to facilitate the illegal sharing of copyrighted material (music, video and images).  Individuals with legitimate, school-related needs to use these tools may seek prior approval from the LAN Manager, Assistant LAN Manager or Building Principal.  Students who violate the File Sharing rules will also have their hard drives restored to the original settings
3.4 Blocking and/or Filtering: FPS shall use a technology protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access to prevent access to Internet sites that are not in accordance with the policies of the school.  An authorized staff member may override the technology protection measure that blocks and/or filters Internet access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes during which time the student will be monitored directly by a staff member.
3.5 Allowable Customizations:

  • The Student is permitted to alter or add files to customize the assigned Computer to their own working styles (i.e., background screens, default fonts, and other system enhancements).
  • The Student is permitted to download music to iTunes, but cannot download or install any other software without permission from the FPS LAN Manager or Assistant LAN Manager.


Standards for Proper Computer Care

This document is an important addendum to the Student Laptop Program Acknowledgement Form.  Read it carefully prior to signing.  You are expected to follow all the specific guidelines listed in this document and take any additional common sense precautions to protect your assigned Computer.  Loss or damage resulting in failure to abide by the details below may result in full-financial responsibility.

Following the standards below will lead to a Computer that will run smoothly and serve as a reliable, useful and enjoyable tool. 

Your Responsibilities:

  • Treat this equipment with as much care as if it were your own property.
  • Bring the Computer and charging unit to FPS during every school day.  (If you forget them, substitutes will NOT be provided.)
  • Keep the Computer either secured (i.e., home or other secure place where others do not have access) or attended (with you or within your sight) at all times.  Keep the Computer stored in a secure place (i.e., locked in a locker in the locker room or other suitable place) when you cannot directly monitor it.  For example, during athletic events, games, practices and trips, store the Computer in a secure place assigned by your coach/sponsor and arrange to return to school to retrieve it after the activity.  Laptops left in unattended classrooms are considered "unattended" and may be confiscated by school personnel as a protection against theft.  Unattended and unlocked equipment, if stolen - even at school - will be your full-financial responsibility.
  • Avoid use in situations that are conducive to loss or damage.  For example, never leave Computers in school vehicles, in the gym, in a locker room, on playing fields or in other areas where it could be damaged or stolen.  Avoid storing the Computer in a car other than in a locked trunk, but be aware of extreme temperatures.  Avoid leaving the Computer in the environments with excessively hot or cold temperatures.
  • Do not let anyone use the Computer other than your parents or guardians.  Loss or damage that occurs when anyone else is using your assigned Computer will be your full responsibility.
  • Adhere to FPS's Computer Use Policy at all times and in all locations. When in doubt about acceptable use, ask the LAN Manager, Assistant LAN Manager or Building Principal.
  • Back up your data.  Never consider any electronic information safe when stored on only one device.
  • Read and follow general maintenance alerts from school technology personnel.

How to Handle Problems

  • Promptly report any problems to the LAN Manager, Assistant LAN Manager or Building Principal.
  • Don't force anything (e.g., connections, popped-off keys, DVD/CDs).  Seek help instead.
  • When in doubt, ask for help.

General Care

  • Do not attempt to remove or change the physical structure of the Computer, including the keys, screen cover or plastic casing.  Doing so will void the warranty, and families will be responsible for 100 percent of the repair or replacement cost.
  • Do not remove or interfere with the serial number or any identification placed on the computers (e.g., labels).
  • Do not do anything to the Computer that will permanently alter it in any way. 
  • Keep the equipment clean.  For example, don't eat or drink while using the computer.

Carrying the Computer

  • Always completely close the lid and wait for the Computer to enter Sleep mode before moving it, even for short distances.  Movement while the computer is on can result in permanent damage to the hard-drive and therefore the loss of all data.  
  • Always store the Computer in the laptop bag provided.
  • Do not grab or squeeze the Computer, as this can damage the screen and other components.
  • Never move the Computer while a CD or DVD is actively being used

Screen Care

The Computer screen can be easily damaged if proper care is not taken.  Broken screens are NOT covered by warranty and can cost over $800 to replace.  Screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.

  • Do not touch the Computer screen with anything (e.g., your finger, pen, pencil, etc.) other than approved Computer screen cleaners.
  • Clean the screen with a soft, dry anti-static clothes or with a screen cleaner designed specifically for LCD type screens.
  • Never leave any object on the keyboard.  Pens or pencils left on the keyboard are guaranteed to crack the screen when the lid is closed, thus resulting in a possible charge of over $800 to the family.

DVD/CD-RW (Optical Drive)

  • Never force a disc into the slot.  This can cause permanent damage and voids the warranty.
  • Keep discs clean and store them in a cover to prevent dust from entering the Computer.  Always remove CDs and DVDs when they are not in use - this preserves battery life.
  • Avoid using CDs or DVDs unless the Computer is connected to a power source with the charging unit - CD/DVD use dramatically lowers battery life.

Battery Life and Charging

  • Arrive to school each day with a fully charged battery.  Establish a routine at home whereby each evening you leave your Computer charging overnight.
  • Avoid using the charger in any situation where you or another is likely to trip over the cord.  Don't let the battery completely drain.  Immediately shutdown if you are unable to connect to the charger.
  • Close the lid of the Computer when it is not in use, in order to save battery life and protect the screen.

Personal Health and Safety

  • Avoid extended use of the Computer resting directly on your lap.  The bottom of the laptop can generate significant heat and therefore cause temporary or permanent injury.  Use a barrier - such as a book or devices made specifically for this purpose - when working on your lap.  Also, avoid lap-based computing while connected to the power adapter as this will significantly increase heat production.
  • Avoid lengthy use involving repetitive tasks (such as typing and use of the track-pad).  Take frequent breaks as well as alter your physical position (typing while standing, sitting, leaning, etc.) to minimize discomfort.  If possible, set up a workstation at home with an external keyboard and mouse that allows you to situate the screen at eye-level and keyboard at lap-level.
  • Read the safety warnings included in the Apple user guide.


Computer Discipline Policy

Fullerton Public Schools will be utilizing a White List and Black List policy for computer discipline.  If a student is placed on the White List they may lose some or all of computer privileges for a period of time determined by the school administrator.  If a student is placed on the Black List, they will lose privileges for the remainder of the semester (or longer if determined by the administration).

White List
Possible Violations: (This list is not inclusive and is only meant to provide examples.)

  • unattended laptop
  • unauthorized games
  • attempting to bypass the filter
  • appearing on the downlist for two consecutive weeks in two classes
  • inappropriate desktop background image
  • poor treatment of computer
  • recreational browsing or accessing web sites not related to educational purposes or with inappropriate content
  • printing of materials not used for educational purposes
  • violating file sharing rules

Possible Loss of Privileges: (This list is not inclusive and is only meant to provide examples.)

  • iTunes
  • iDVD
  • iMovie
  • Internet
  • Garageband
  • Photobooth
  • Widgets
  • iPhoto
  • DVD Player
  • Hard drive may be restored to original settings

*At teacher's request, a student may use one of the white listed programs for classroom use.

Black List
Students will be placed on the Black List for extreme or repeated violations of the white list policy.  These violations will be handled by the building administration on a per issue basis.  A student placed on the black list may lose all computer privileges.